Buoys and Beacons

Channel Markers

These show well-established channels and indicate port (left) and starboard (right) sides of the channels. One of the following maybe used:

Port Mark

a red can shape. At night, a red flashing light may be shown.port-mark

Starboard Mark

starboard-marka green conical shape. At night, a green flashing light may be shown.

The Coming In Rule

upon entering harbour the red port mark should be kept on the boat’s port (left) side and the green mark on the boat’s starboard (right) side.

Going Out Rule

when leaving harbour the red port mark should be kept on the boat’s starboard (right) side and the green mark on the boat’s port (left) side.

Cardinal Marks

Yellow and Black

cardinal-marksEach indicates where there is deep water close to a danger and they show this relative to the compass. i.e. deep water is to the North of a North Cardinal Mark, to the East of an East Cardinal Mark.

Isolated Danger – Red and Black

isolated-danger-markIndicates an isolated danger, such as a submerged rock and so tells you not to pass too close. Coloured black with one or more horizontal red bands. If lit at night, it shows a group of two white flashes. The top mark has two black spheres.

Special Marks – Yellow

special-yellow-marksIndicates a special area and that you should beware. Coloured yellow. If lit at night, it shows a flashing yellow light. The top mark is a single yellow cross. Check your chart to identify what is special in that area.

Underwater Cable Marks

underwater-cable-markThese are indicated by a white triangle on the foreshore. When in pairs, they indicate the direction of the cable. Do not anchor near these cables. The skipper of a boat that damages a cable will be held responsible, with fines up to $100,000.

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