Boating with kids

Whether you’re new to boating, new to kids, or you have a new crew of children coming onboard, knowing these tips for boating with kids will surely come in handy. We had a slew of young boaters tell us what they needed to know – and what they needed us to know – before leaving the dock, and we made sure the important bases were covered:

1. Get me a comfortable life jacket that fits—those old blocky orange things are no fun at all.

2. Tell me the rules before we leave the dock. Make sure I know to keep both feet flat on the deck, not to lean over the rail, and those sorts of thing.

3. Help me stay safe from the sun. Putting on sunblock and drinking lots of water is a must!

4. Warn me about falling chilly covers. They pinch little toes and fingers, and are one of the most common causes of injuries for kids on a boat.

5. Keep me involved with running the boat. I like steering or holding lines, and even scrubbing the boat at the end of the day can be fun.

6. Be prepared for seasickness—and even though I can’t take Dramamine until I’m 12, some Sea-legs (+6),  homeopathic remedies, like smelling peppermint, drinking ginger ale, wearing wrist bands, and going barefoot, are things we can try. They work sometimes!

7. Bring me a change of clothes. When a kid gets wet, we get cold a lot faster than an adult. So we need extra dry clothing onboard.

8. Show me how to hail the Coast Guard on the radio. If anything happens to you, I need to know how to ask for help (check out How to Use a VHF Radio).

9. Show me how to use the GPS (read How to Navigate a Boat).

Children and boats are a great combination, out in the fresh air, learning about the world around them and having fun. As the Skipper, you are responsible for all those on your boat, but children need extra care aboard the boat and around water. Remember that children look to adults for examples of appropriate behaviour. Wear your life jacket and they will wear theirs. Teach children the pleasures and the risks of boating and they will have taken the first step on the way to becoming Responsible Skippers themselves.

If you plan to take children boating, it is your responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate survival skills. Make sure they learn to swim and teach them boating skills and survival techniques in the water.

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